Expert Talk on “Students in the World of Disruptions”

In a dynamic world marked by rapid technological advancements and societal transformations, the realm of education stands at the forefront of change. Recognizing the paramount importance of guiding students through this ever-evolving landscape, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Kuniya College organized an enlightening Expert Session titled “Students in the World of Disruptions.”

The event featured Dr. T. P. Muhammad Fareed, Principal of WMO Arts & Science College, Muttil, Wayanad, as the distinguished guest speaker. Dr. Fareed’s engaging presentation delved into the essential skill sets that students should cultivate, particularly amidst the prevalence of disruptive educational technologies and the widespread integration of artificial intelligence tools and services.

The expert session served as a platform for a comprehensive discussion on the evolving educational terrain and the critical importance of equipping students with the requisite skills to thrive in an era characterized by disruptions. From fostering adaptability and critical thinking to nurturing creativity and digital literacy, the discourse underscored the multifaceted approach necessary to empower students for success in the 21st century.

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